Broadcasting NRK
The Norwegian broadcasting building at Marienlyst in Oslo has arguably been an extremely important national monument for the past eight decades, yet most people know the building primarily from the sounds broadcast from within. The exhibition “Broadcasting NRK” aimed to shift focus towards the building itself, its architecture and infrastructure: how it came about, how it was detailed and constructed, and how it managed to fulfill its function succesfully for so many years. In addition to a series of models and historical reconstructions of the architect Nils Holter’s work, the exhibition included a series of original drawings of the broadcasting building by Holter (1899–1995), never before shown to the public. These extraordinary drawings reveal the intricate, technically advanced and often expressive architectural detailing of the broadcasting building, much of which was inspired by the new medium of radio, and by the visual representation of radio waves. The exhibition was designed and mounted by students and the teachers Jørgen Tandberg and Jonas Løland.It was first shown at the Norwegian Telegraph building downtown Oslo, a buildingdesigned by Holter, and then at the main entrance vestibule of the broadcasting building itself.