
Architecture Past and Future in the Era of Circularity

AaltoSiilo, Oulu

Sep 11—14, 2024

Mari Lending and Erik Langdalen are giving the double keynote lecture “Values: Architecture Past and Future in the Era of Circularity” at the three-days European Commission Visit in Oulu, Finland, part of the EU program Living Spaces – Cities and regions shaping the built environment for everyone, followed by the Aaltosiilo Festival 2024: “The Post-Industral Dance”, on Saturday September 15.

Center stage is the silo building designed by Alvar and Aino Aalto, and completed in 1931. In 2020, Factum Foundation for Digital Technology in Preservation bought the obsolete, iconic concrete wood chip silo. The AaltoSiilo is presently being restored and reinvented by Skene Catling de la Pena Studio for a post-industrial era, redefining materiality for the 21st century and the role of industrial heritage in memory, shaping place and cultural identity.

People involved

Mari Lending

Project Leader

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Erik Langdalen

Deputy Project Leader

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Adam Lowe

Project Partner

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Charlotte Skene Catling

Core Researcher

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Kaleva, front page, September 14, 2024.