
Architecture Past and Future in the Era of Circularity

Charlotte Skene Catling

Core Researcher

Charlotte Skene Catling is an architect and founding director of Skene Catling de la Peña. Her unique approach termed ‘Geoarcheology’, seeks to excavate meaning from context as a means of developing architecture. She is experienced in the design and integration of contemporary projects into Grade I and II listed buildings, and in creating interventions within sensitive historic contexts such as Waddesdon Manor, Buckinghamshire, and the Perm World Heritage Site, Russia. The practice has designed major exhibitions for institutions such as the Royal Academy, London, or the Antikenmuseum, Basel. Charlotte publishes in The Burlington MagazineDOMUSThe Architectural Review and ARCH+. She launched the film festival ArchFilmFest in London in 2017 and her own architectural films have been shown around the world. She ran a post-graduate architecture unit at the Royal College of Art for five years and taught at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), is an Ambassador for the London School of Architecture (LSA) and an external examiner at UCL. She lectures in the UK and abroad and was on the jury of the international World Architecture Festival (WAF) for four years. Charlotte was the only European shortlisted for the 2016 AR Women in Architecture award. The practice has been extensively awarded and published internationally.