
Architecture Past and Future in the Era of Circularity

Broadcasting NRK

Spring 2024

The studio will work collectively, focusing on a significant national monument, the NRK broadcasting building. Few buildings carry as many traces and has been so close a witness to critical changes within Norwegian society. Yet due to the technical nature of the building, as well as the decidedly unresolved relationship between media and architecture, it lingers undescribed at the borders of the canon of Norwegian modernism. That the building has now been declared obsolete and sold to a private developer should tell us something about the great changes happening within mass media and the culture industry, and in the buildings created to facilitate it – yet also perhaps something about real estate and the valuation of the building stock, including monuments. The fact that the NRK institution can be moved, largely without dissenting voices, to another location, testifies to an enigma at the heart of the relationship between architecture and state media. Throughout the semester, we will engage in archival research, theoretical readings and group discussions, combined with modelmaking and 1:1 surveys in order to create three small exhibits in school, culminating in a larger and more comprehensive public exhibition: “Broadcasting NRK”.

The studio is taught by Jørgen Tandberg and Jonas Løland-

People involved

Jørgen Tandberg

PhD Student

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