
Architecture Past and Future in the Era of Circularity

Subject Matter

The Subject Matter studio series examines the material basis of architecture in order to illuminate the consequences of procuring building materials for construction, whether extracted from landscapes or repurposed from existing stock. Materials constitute a complex ecosystem whose contents are not fixed entities but rather flows that have histories. By borrowing these material contents for contemporary use, architecture interacts with these histories and changes them. These processes are sometimes quite complex and involve the participation of various industries, implicating terraforming, human labor relations, and environmental impact. Any natural material is the result of these conditions of manufacture. A study of the path that materials take from findspot to construction and reuse allows these passages to be reflected in architecture. Since the materials of construction guide the development of spatial form, the studio interrogates these questions and implications through experimental, research-based architectural design. Methodologies emphasize historical and archival research, ecosystem thinking, the presence of provenance, circularity, and artistic exploration to reveal the long-term consequences of the architectural project.

People involved

Thomas McQuillan

Core Researcher

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