
Architecture Past and Future in the Era of Circularity

Nicholas Coates


Nicholas Coates is an architect and educator based in Oslo, Norway. Nick completed his B. Arch. from Virginia Tech in 2015 and his M. Arch. from The Oslo School of Architecture and Design in 2020. In practice, he concentrates on design-build projects, crafting architecture through hands-on and participatory workshops through his work at Rintala Eggertsson Architects. At AHO, Nick teaches courses that focus on preservation, transformation, and reuse, running the Re-Store course series alongside Erik Langdalen. In the fall of 2024, Nick has joined Thomas McQuillan in teaching the Subject Matter studio and is also responsible for curating the exhibition Professor Sverre Fehn, commemorating Fehn’s centennial through the lens of his contributions to AHO. Nick received the CAUS Outstanding Alumni Award in 2022, The Renzo Piano World Tour Award in 2020, and the SOM Prize in 2015.